Advice on atopic dermatitis
Very dry, itchy, flaky skin
The warmth of the sun, a gentle breeze, a caring touch – being comfortable in our own skin is a wonderful feeling!
But those who suffer from very dry skin or atopic dermatitis cannot take this feeling for granted, as recurring phases of itchy, flaky skin often stand in the way of enjoyment. Delicate children’s skin can be particularly quick to lose its natural balance, bringing adventure and exploration to an abrupt halt. As parents, we often wish there was more we could do to help.
In these moments, we look for all-round, holistic solutions. We need new ideas and perspectives that can provide a noticeably better quality of life.
Strengthening people and their skin
In order to provide a noticeably better quality of life, it is important to consider a person’s situation and being as a whole just as carefully as we consider the skin.
The skin protects our inner self, allowing us to physically experience the outside world without external influences affecting us too deeply. For those with dry skin and atopic dermatitis, however, this barrier function is weakened. External influences get under the skin more easily, while a lack of lipids and proteins results in increased loss of moisture from within through the epidermis. This leaves the skin dried out, brittle and rough. “Medical skin care can strengthen the skin's protective barrier and promote its own, innate regulatory abilities,” explains holistic dermatologist Dr. Sabine Neff.
Extra nourishment for the skin barrier
A medical skin care system must address the fact that when the skin’s acid mantle lacks oils and moisture, it cannot keep the uppermost layer of skin sufficiently supple and feelings of tightness will occur. In acute phases, the skin will start to flake and itching will become more intense – this is when the skin needs special support.
Dr. Hauschka MED has developed a systematic medical skin care that has been tested on the very people for whom it is intended. The verdict: All Dr. Hauschka MED products are extremely effective and very well tolerated by the skin.
Systematic medical skin care for atopic dermatitis
Special support for all skin phases and conditions
People with very dry skin and atopic dermatitis require professional, versatile, everyday skin care. The systematic medical skin care developed by Dr. Hauschka MED is tailored to the individual needs of the skin. It supports the skin through every phase – for a noticeably better quality of life from the very first application.
Care that meets my skin’s requirements
Our systematic medical skin care takes into account the varying skin conditions of people with very dry skin and atopic dermatitis. The strictly natural formulations of medicinal plant extracts and valuable botanical oils are finely adapted to the changing demands of the skin.
Our claim. Scientifically proven to produce effective results
How has the effectiveness of our skin care system been scientifically proven?
Adults and children with very dry skin and atopic dermatitis are aware of exactly what their own skin needs from face and body care products. We therefore conducted unusually complex clinical studies with people affected by such skin conditions and in cooperation with dermatologists.
In addition to effectiveness and skin tolerability, we examined whether our products were pleasant to use, whether they noticeably improved people’s skin and quality of life, and whether they fitted in with people's everyday lives. For us, the results had to be noticeable and comprehensible for the user – with every application.

Basic and Intensive Ice Plant Care |
Soothing Care Potentilla |
Scientific tests have confirmed the effectiveness and tolerability of Dr. Hauschka MED Basic and Intensive skin care products. Clinical studies conducted by Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin* have proven the positive effect that daily application of the Ice Plant Body Care Lotion and Intensive Ice Plant Cream has on the skin condition of infants and small children who are predisposed to atopic dermatitis. Furthermore, these studies also showed noticeable improvement in the quality of life of the affected children and that of their relatives. | The effectiveness and tolerability of Dr. Hauschka MED Potentilla Soothing Care has been proven in independent studies** conducted by Universitätsklinikum Freiburg. Children and adults with very dry skin and atopic dermatitis used the cream twice a day – with measurable and noticeable results. The studies show that Potentilla Soothing Care effectively supports skin prone to inflammation in the phase just before an acute flare-up and reduces initial redness. |
The results: thoroughly effective and very well tolerated -Produces excellent results in the care of atopic dermatitis -Consistently builds up the skin’s moisture levels -Provides long-lasting relief from itchiness -Has a positive impact on the skin barrier -Significantly improves the skin’s condition -Very well tolerated by the skin *Schario M. et al. Children with dry skin and atopic predisposition: daily use of emollients in a participant-blinded, randomized, prospective trial. Skin Pharmacol Physiol 2014; 27: 208–216. Sawatzky S. et al. Children with dry skin and atopic predisposition: outcome measurement with validated scores for atopic dermatitis. Skin Pharmacol Physiol 2016; 29: 148-156. |
The results: highly effective and very well tolerated -Produces excellent results in the care of atopic dermatitis -Significantly reduces redness -Quickly alleviates itching -Soothes irritation and inflammation -Very well tolerated by the skin -Takes effect particularly quickly with children **Hoffmann J., Wölfle U., Schempp C., Casetti F. Tannins from Potentilla officinalis display anti-inflammatory effects in the UV erythema test and on atopic skin. JDDG 2016; 14(9): 917-923. |

A holistic view of atopic dermatitis.
A person's lifestyle, physical health and mental state are all reflected in the skin – Dr. Hauschka MED speaks to dermatologist Dr. Sabine Neff, a member of the Anthroposophic Dermatology Group.
How is atopic dermatitis classified?
Atopic dermatitis belongs to the same group of atopic diseases as hay fever and allergic asthma. It can be brought on by changes to the climate, certain foods and pollen, environmental factors or stress.
The skin is seen as the external communicator of our internal self. What exactly does this mean?
As the barrier between our internal body and the outside world, the skin provides a better reflection of our lifestyle, physical condition and mental state than any other organ – and vice versa. People with dry skin that is prone to atopic dermatitis are often particularly susceptible to stress and react quickly with itching and eczema. They will benefit from using medical skin care that strengthens the skin’s protective barrier and promotes its natural regulatory powers.
What is the best way to care for skin that is dry and prone to atopic dermatitis?
Always choose skin care products that target your particular skin condition. Conscious fortifying care is important during the asymptomatic phases. The regular application of a skin cream relaxes the skin and can prevent new flare-ups. I then recommend richer creams for when the skin becomes dry and flaky.
How can atopic dermatitis be addressed in a way that takes into account the person as a whole?
Medicinal plants play an important role here. During the asymptomatic phases and for support at the beginning of a flare-up, a composition of ice plant extract and valuable oils can be very effective. Other effective medicinal plants include yellow gentian and chicory, as well as extracts of lemon and quince. Certain minerals can also be taken in medicinal form that have anti-allergic and itch-reducing effects, for example oak-bark calcium, diatomaceous earth or quartz. I also recommend the healing effects of eurythmy therapy, yoga, autogenic training, climate therapy, and curative visits to a health spa.
What constitutes holistic treatment for atopic dermatitis?
Everyday stresses can have a negative effect on our skin condition. We should therefore avoid hectic, stressful or unmanageable schedules and situations, and apply stress management techniques when necessary. Sufficient sleep, regular breaks during mental work, enjoying nature, fresh air and relaxing social time with other people should be integral parts of our everyday lives. Positive attention and relaxation can help fortify for our natural skin barrier.
How can we help babies and young children will atopic dermatitis?
With infants, scaly or reddened skin occurs mainly on the face and extensor surfaces. Food allergies – for example to milk, egg, wheat or soy – play a greater role in childhood than they do in adulthood. If possible, mothers should breastfeed their baby for the first six months. Loving attention and physical contact from the parents, for example with a mindful body care ritual or a gentle stroking massage, also have a strengthening and calming effect.
Living freely with atopic dermatitis. Daily skin care tips from dermatologist Dr. Sabine Neff
Wear feel-good clothing
Light cotton or silk clothing is good for skin that is easily irritated. Remove all labels from clothing to prevent them scratching. For severe atopic dermatitis, underwear containing silver helps alleviate symptoms and has an anti-bacterial effect. Nightwear with integrated mittens will keep young children from scratching in the night.
See itchiness as a wake-up call
Creating an oil and moisture-rich skin wrap can alleviate itching. Apply plenty of rich cream to the affected area, cover with a bandage soaked in cold water and then a dry bandage. Try to get into the habit of applying cream rather than scratching. This way, you learn to interpret itchiness as a wake-up call that your skin is in need of soothing care. A gentler alternative to scratching with the fingernails, especially for children, can be provided by a so-called “scratch block”. This satisfies the impulse to scratch without damaging the skin.
Keep a skin diary
A “skin diary” can help you to discover how you and your skin react to different stimuli. Keep a note of what you eat, what clothes you wear, what activities you do and how you feel on that day – paying particular attention to your skin condition.
Approach life with awareness
Everyone has their own rhythm and limitations. What makes you feel good? Take time out to read or be creative, engage in sport or exercise and meet up with loved ones. Give yourself lots of fresh air and get plenty of sleep. Too much time spent in front of the television or working at a computer often leads to restlessness.
Give your skin the nutrients it needs
The skin enjoys a healthy diet that comprises as much fresh and raw food as possible. During the winter, for example, you can even bathe in a mixture of milk, honey and essential oils such as rosemary or tea tree. People with atopic dermatitis often have problems with their digestive systems as well.
Tips for parents and children
Children with atopic dermatitis react very positively to a calm and peaceful atmosphere. They also enjoy the caresses that come with the regular application of body lotion or cream. If your child suffers from severe atopic dermatitis, it may be worth applying for a course of treatment at a health spa. You can obtain the necessary forms from your health insurance or pension insurance providers.