Vegan Skin Care

Are Dr. Hauschka products vegan?

The ingredients of the Dr. Hauschka Skin Care are mainly of vegetable origin. Glycerol, stearic acid or other fatty ingredients are also obtained only from plant materials. Some Dr. Hauschka products contain ingredients originate from animal kingdom, like:

  • beeswax, propolis wax, honey
  • milk sugar
  • silk powder
  • lanolin
  • carmine

Why isn’t our entire skin care range vegan?

Our cosmetics are not always vegan as they deliberately use ingredients from all kingdoms of nature. For example, beeswax is a valuable substance for natural cosmetics. A gift from nature, which we use with the utmost care.

Depending on the skin care effect and the skin’s needs, we decide whether or not to use animal raw materials for each individual product. In doing this, we are aware that whenever we take something from nature, we are responsible for the environment and the quality of the substance we have taken away.

  • We have a tradition of protecting bees. Bee colonies have been at home in our biodynamic plant garden in Eckwälden, Germany since the early 1980s.

Which Dr. Hauschka products are vegan?

If you are looking for vegan products for yourself or your loved ones, you will find a wide range of suitable products at Dr. Hauschka. Among them are vegan Shampoo, day cream, toothpaste and many more.

You can find the complete list of our vegan products here.

Vegan products are labelled as such on the respective product pages, under the section “Quality”. You can also filter for vegan products on the product overview pages.